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Follicular Fluid FISH

Follicular fluid is a novel source of gonadal cells for detection of low-grade mosaicism in the ovaries. All women with unexplained infertility undergoing IVF could be studied to determine the chances of a successful pregnancy. If there is evidence of gonadal mosaicism, the chances of a live birth could be low. Mosaicism for the X chromosome detected rapidly by FISH on follicular fluid cells can be one more indication for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) in the same and subsequent cycles.

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Follicular Fluid FISH India, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization India, IVF Conditions India, IVF Conditions Delhi India, Ivf Treatment Techniques India, IVF Treatment Techniques Delhi India, IVF Treatment Facilities Inida, IVF Treatment Facilities Delhi India