Hyderabad,a lucrative medical destination for low cost jaw cancer surgery in India
Mr. David Lugard, Nigeria
Jaw Surgery
Jaw cancer surgery at Hyderabad in India is an attractive option for the low cost medical treatment. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are the major oncogenic factors for oral cancer. The majority of patients with oral cancer (75 to 80 percent) use alcohol frequently. Paired with tobacco use, patients who drink and smoke increase their risk of developing oral cancer even more. The symptoms of oral cancer may resemble other disorders or medical problems. Oral tumors can develop anywhere in the oral cavity. Some tumors are benign (non-cancerous) while some are malignant. The amount of cancer surgery i.e. the removal of the cancerous tissue you need depends on the stage of the cancer. The surgeon may suggest you complete jaw bone resection if the cancer has spread along the mandible or maxilla. The jaw cancer surgery at Hyderabad in India is a major operation and is done under the effect of general anesthesia. The post surgical treatment sometime involves chemotherapy or radiotherapy. India has emerged as a leader in the oncogenic surgeries due to presence of all the advanced surgical equipments, latest surgical technology and the world class oncosurgeons having excellent track record. A similar advanced surgery was performed on David Lugard, a patient from Nigeria who had a jaw cancer surgery at Mumbai in India. The surgical outcome was very fruitful and David did not take too long to recover due to continuos thriving of Indianmedguru and Dr. Dheeraj Bojwani, CEO, Indianmedguru. Jaw cancer surgery at Hyderabad in India is provided with tour packages at any excellent tourist destination across India. The concept of medical tourism in India is accelerating on a global graph. The unimaginable diversity in its natural settings that range from the Himalayan peaks to the deserts of Rajasthan and to the ever-flowing Ganges can definitely be a dream experience for anyone. The sandy beaches and the multitude of historical monuments are must to glance on. Jaw cancer surgery at Hyderabad in India would be an affordable option after peeping the global treatment prices.
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