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Affordable Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery Delhi India

“I live in Uganda. I got relief from a rotator cuff injury after an Affordable Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery at Delhi in India. Dr. Bojwani and is entire team had given me lots of care and love during my medical stay in India. I played cricket too much and I suppose this was the reason of my Rotator Cuff problems. Due to rotator cuff injury I experienced frightful shoulder pain, deltoid muscle pain and my shoulder had even become weak. I tried lots of medications and acupressure techniques, but they didn’t work well. My family physician asked me to see a surgeon. In Uganda I didn’t find any proper hospital or reliable doctor due to lack of advanced medical care I searched on the internet for a cost effective medical care in abroad destinations and I saw many articles telling about medical tourism in India that gave speedy recovery and saved much money.

I came across Indianmedguru consultants through the internet. And I was surprised by the spontaneous replies and genuine concern offered from the associates of Dr. Dheeraj Bojwani. The cost quotes for treatment in India were really appealing and Indianmedguru ha talked to an orthopedic surgeon of Delhi for my Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery at Delhi in India which was appealing and of reasonable cost. So I decided to travel India, and the arrangements for my trip to India were done by the company associates. I was pleased with the hospitality services of Indianmedguru for my Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery at Delhi in India. I am very happy with my treatment in India where I got the best medical facilities for my Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery at Delhi in India. Wish Dr. Bojwani my sincere thanks for his kind services and good luck in his future ventures.”

Peter Igwe

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