Get affordable Vasectomy Reversal in India at the hospitals of Delhi and Hyderabad
Vasectomy Reversal is available at an affordable price at various hospitals of Delhi and Hyderabad. India offers a range of world quality Doctors, hospitals and treatments at a fraction of world costs with comparable success rates and service levels. India is one of the best places for Vasectomy reversal or any other medical treatment. Every year thousand of visitors come to India from around the world just for Vasectomy reversal. The additional warmth and natural caring comes with India’s millennia heritage. Hospitals at Delhi and Hyderabad, have skilled super specialists coupled with sound infrastructure and professional management, nurses and paramedical staff to take on international competition. Vasectomy Reversal in India is rapidly becoming the destination of choice for Americans and Europeans.
Introduction – Vasectomy Reversal
Approximately 500,000 men request vasectomies each year and it is recognized that 5% of them will change their minds, usually due to remarriage, death of a child or improved circumstances allowing for more children. Over the past 20 years, the surgical technique of Vasectomy reversal provided excellent results, permitting a man to re-establish his fertility. Vasectomy reversal is performed on an outpatient basis with over 99% success for those men who have sperm at the time of surgery.
What is a Vasectomy Reversal?
Men undergo a vasectomy as a procedure to prevent them having any more children. A vasectomy is intended to be a permanent operation, however there are cases when men change their minds and want to have more children. In a man who has had a vasectomy procedure, a vasectomy reversal might be an option to enable them to conceive again. Vasectomy reversal is more complicated than the original vasectomy procedure, and the process might not be successful. If you are considering a vasectomy it is worth remembering that it is intended to be a permanent sterilization procedure, and that vasectomy reversal is not available or successful for everyone.
What Does the Vasectomy Reversal Procedure Involve?
During a vasectomy a tube known as the “vas deferens” is cut. Each man has two vas deferens, each one carries semen from a testicle to the penis, and during a vasectomy the vas deferens for both testicles are cut. This means that the man still produces sperm in the testicles but it does not flow to the penis when he ejaculates, and is instead reabsorbed by the body. Reversing a vasectomy therefore involves reconnected the vas deferens tubes at the point where they were cut. Because the tubes are so small, less than half a centimeter across, this is a very delicate process. The testicles have to be opened and then the surgeon has to find each tube and determine where it has been cut. When the break in the tube is identified, the broken ends are cleaned and any damaged edges are trimmed away. The part of the tube leading to the penis is flushed with water to check for blockages and to clear out any small particles that may have built up. If there is a permanent blockage in this part of the tube the sperm will not be able to reach the penis even if a reversal is performed. The surgeon then draws up fluid from the tube leading to the testicle to check that sperm is still being produced. If there is a problem with this part of the tube it may be permanently damaged. The surgeon may attempt to join the tube from the penis directly to the testicle (a procedure known as epididymostomy) but this has much lower success rates than a procedure to connect the two parts of the tube.
If both parts of the tube are not damaged a very fine thread is used to reconnect the two parts of the tube. This procedure is known as a vasovasotomy. This process is carried out for both tubes.
What Are The Success Rates for Vasectomy Reversals?
The success of vasectomy reversal depends on a number of factors. The time between the initial vasectomy and the reversal operation can greatly affect success rates. This is because the longer it is since the vasectomy the more time there has been for the tissue to scar. Scar tissue increases the likelihood of blockages, and so the greater the length of time the lower the success rates. There are different types of vasectomy procedures and the success rates of the reversal depend on what type of vasectomy was given in the first place. Finally, the type of reversal procedure affects the success rates of the procedure. Reconnecting the two parts of the tube (vasovasotomy) has much higher success rates than connecting part of the tube directly to the penis (epididymostomy). It is therefore crucial to discuss with your doctor your own chances of success based on your personal situation. It is important to recognise that there are two different measures of success that your doctor may discuss, and it is important to differentiate between the two. Some doctors may discuss the success rate in terms of patency. This means what proportion of men will produce sperm when they ejaculate. These rates can be as high as 90%. However, following a vasectomy, many men’s sperm are affected. This means that even after a successful vasectomy reversal where they produce sperm again, this sperm might be slower and less mobile than the sperm they produced before their vasectomy. For this reason, success rates for pregnancy are a lot lower than the success rates for patency. Whilst a high proportion of men will produce sperm again after a vasectomy reversal procedure, between around 30% and 60% will successfully conceive. It is therefore important to discuss with your doctor what the likelihood is of a successful outcome, but also to clarify what the doctor is defining patency or pregnancy rates as a successful outcome.
Why to consider India for Vasectomy Reversal?
Hospitals of Delhi and Hyderabad are the best to go for Vasectomy Reversal in India. India is the largest and most populous country in Asia, with 186 million inhabitants. Named after India wood, a tree highly valued by early colonists, India is home to both extensive agricultural lands and rain forests. Exploiting vast natural resources and a large labor pool, it is today Asia’s leading economic power and a regional leader. Significant cost differences exist between U.K. and India when it comes to Vasectomy Reversal. India is not only low on cost but the waiting time is almost nil. This is due to the outburst of the private sector which comprises of hospitals and clinics with the latest technology and best practitioners.
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