Best Carcinoma Surgery Prostate Cancer Hospital Mumbai in India
Indian doctors performing Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate at best cancer hospitals in Mumbai and Delhi are seen attracting a huge rush of medical tourists from all across the globe. The international patients get the quality at par hospitals based at developed nations. While the most interesting factor is that these medical treatments or surgeries performed in India come at an affordable cost. Indian Medguru Group is one of the leading medical tourism companies of India, which organize and manages treatments like Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate at Mumbai and Delhi hospitals in India.Within few years, we have managed thousands of such medical treatments and surgeries of medical tourists with utmost professionalism, and this trend keeps continuing. The patients coming to India for their medical treatments take back home mesmerizing memories. Recently, Mr. Jeff Nwaeke from Nigeria was here for his father’s Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai. He shares his experience with us.
Hi! This is Jeff Nwaeke I am from Nigeria. I would like to share my father’s wonderful experience after his Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai. My father noticed that his skin was jaundiced, and our family doctor ordered blood tests. As he waited a week for results, his appetite diminished. More tests followed, including an ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) scan of the liver. He then saw a local gastroenterologist, who did a CA 19-9 test, a tumor marker blood test. I was told that he may have Cancer and that there was nothing that could be done for him, only Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate can be the ultimate solution for his survival. He was almost shattered on learning this, we returned home without any hope of finding any solutions in Nigeria. Few days passed when a relative urged me to seek some information about Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in India and other countries over the internet.
I tried with my search for Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai and luckily came in touch with a medical consultant called Indian Medguru Group, wherein I discussed my father’s case with them, they offered me good package for my father’s Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai- India. Soon we worked out that this would be a better deal for us to opt. I then booked my tickets and we left to India for the said treatment. As we reached India, I was happy to see the proper arrangements; also met the cancer surgeon who was supposed to perform my father’s Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai. The day for my father’s Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai was finalized. The surgeon adopted the minimally invasive cancer surgery under Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai. The goal of this surgery is to remove all of the prostate gland and some of the tissue around it to treat prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland that goes around the neck of the bladder and the urethra in a male. A Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate is done under general or regional anesthesia. General anesthesia means the person is put to sleep with medicines. Regional anesthesia means the person will be awake, but numb below the waist. There are two distinct approaches which come under Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate or radical prostatectomy: For this procedure, the incision made to remove the prostate starts below the navel and extends to just above the pubic bone. In the radical perineal prostatectomy, a smaller, curved incision is made between the anus and the base of the scrotum. The prostate is brought out from underneath the pubic bone. My father’s Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai went smooth and the result was amazing.
My father after his Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai had lost no blood to speak of; his blood count was 46 percent, which is probably higher than what most men walk around with before surgery. Not surprisingly, he had good energy right away. That, plus the fact that he had no pain, meant that he was running around the nurses station a few hours after surgery. Since surgery, my father had clearer urine and his mood and comfort have been excellent. At the end, when we are returning after my father’s successful Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai, I should be obliged to one and all who played their part in arranging the show for us. I can now easily recommend anyone from my family and friends to opt for any medical treatments including the Carcinoma Surgery of Prostate in Mumbai.
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