Dr. Sandeep T. Honnekeri (Mumbai)
MS. Mch., DNB.
Surgical Expertise:
- Beating Heart Coronary Bypass with Arterial Grafts.
- Mitral Valve Repair
- Carotid Endarterectomy / Carotid Bypass
- Aortic (Root) Surgeries
- Dr. Honnekeri has undergone training in Mitral Valve Repair with Prof. Robert Dias (Brussels), Aortic Root Surgeries with Prof, Gebrine El Khonny (Brussels) and Cardiac Transplantation with Prof Don Esmore (Melbourne) who are International Leaders in the field of Cardiac Surgery.
- Dr. Honnekeri was invited to Nagoya, Japan in the year 2001 & Wroclaw, Poland in the year 2004 to demonstrate and train Japanese & Polish Surgeons in Beating Heart Surgery with LIMA-RIMA-Y graft.
- Currently Dr. Honnekeri’s focus is on conducting demonstrations/ training programmes for Beating Heart Bypass Surgery in other countries.
Honors and Awards:
Award DUEARTE MONTEIRO physiology oration in 1st MBBS (1979) –
Seth, G.S. Medical College, Mumbai.
(Gen.Surgery) examination.
Distinction at Mch-CVTS , University of Mumbai – 1990
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