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Dr. Venkatesh S. (Bangalore)

Cardiology Surgery Dr Venkatesh S Wockhardt Hospital India Qualification: MD, DM

Cardiology Surgery Dr Venkatesh S Bangalore,Cardiology Surgery Hospital India Consultant: Cardiologist at Wockhardt Hospitals,

Dr. VENKATESH has been a consultant cardiologist for the past eight years. Being a topper and medallist MD & DM from PGI, Chandigarh, he has profound understanding of cardiac diseases and their management. He has worked as an interventional cardiologist at Fortis Heart Institute, Mohali, and the unit chief of interventional cardiology at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, before joining Wockhardt Hospitals.

Dr. Venkatesh is a highly skilled interventionist and has performed numerous coronary angioplasties, including primary and complex angioplasties. He is also exceptionally skilled in peripheral interventions and percutaneous valvuloplasties. His area of special interest is in percutaneous management of acute coronary syndromes.

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