Heart ICD Implant Surgery in India: To Cure Cardiac Disorder
Mr. Raymond, Nigeria
Heart Pacemaker Surgery for his mother
Hello Online Readers,
Three years ago, my mom thought she was having a heart attack, but her symptoms were those of an abnormally fast heart rhythm caused by a flaw in her heart's electrical system. My mom's physician referred her to an electro physiologist. Doctors first tried medications to control the arrhythmias, but none were effective.
After my mom suffered one particularly distressing episode, doctor told her to have Heart ICD surgery. And the doctor referred us to Indian Medguru Group. Soon we visited India for the treatment and all the arrangement were done by Indian Medguru Group. Indian hospitals are well-equipped to determine why a patient has a type of arrhythmia and has tools and methods that can solve many problems. These include basic studies to assess for fast or slow rhythms, two leading edge electrical mapping systems and ablation procedures for simple and complex rhythm disturbances. They also offer a complement of devices from simple pacemakers to biventricular pacemakers and defibrillators to help restore a proper heart rhythm and improve quality of life.
The Implantable Cardioverter defibrillators implantation surgery involves making an incision below one of the collarbones. The leads are placed into the heart through the vein that runs next to the collarbone. Up to two leads are placed inside the heart. One lead is placed in the ventricle (bottom chamber) and one may be placed in the atrium (top chamber), on the right side of heart. During the operation, routine electrical measurements of the heart is made to be sure that the leads are positioned correctly. After the leads are in place, they are connected to the Implantable Cardioverter defibrillators. The device is placed under the skin in the upper chest. The physician triggers the heart to beat rapidly and then use the Implantable Cardioverter defibrillators to deliver a shock to the heart and stop the rapid beating; this is done two to five times to make sure the Implantable Cardioverter defibrillators functions properly. The procedure takes about 2 hours to complete. A chest x-ray is performed after the Implantable Cardioverter defibrillators implant surgery procedure to be sure the leads are in the proper position.
After ICD implant surgery my mom was kept under medical supervision for two days after confirming that everything was ok she got discharged from the hospital. I am so happy to see my mom is fine now leading a good life without any risk to her life. I am very much thankful to Indian Medguru Group for their support and incomparable services they provided for ICD implant surgery and made our medical tour successful.
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