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Segmental Resection of Parotid Gland Surgery in India - Video by a Bangladeshi sharing her experience

Mrs. Daula, Bangladesh
Parotid Gland Tumor Surgery

Hi, I am Mrs. Daula, I am from Bangladesh and recently my son had his Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India, which was nothing but a life time experience for both of us, since traveling abroad that too for a medical treatment like Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery is indeed a big deal for us. It was days, when he witnessed a lump (usually painless) in the area of the ear. Therefore consulted a doctor, After hearing the symptoms, the doctor suspected salivary gland tumor, hence recommended a biopsy, which confirmed the presence of salivary gland tumor, hence he suggested to have Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery. His doctor asked us to find some solution over the internet, since he knew it was difficult to get the required treatment for Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery at Bangladesh. Besides, he also passed on the contact info of the medical consultant called Indian Medguru Group, whom he knew from quiet sometime. My daughter Sabrina thoroughly browsed the website of the company and soon realized that it would be worth to take a chance of having my son's Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India.

My daughter therefore, e-mailed them the surgery query along with my son's medical history and also enquired couple of things about having his Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India. Luckily, we got the call the very same day from the executive of Indian Medguru Group. The executive discussed my son's case at length, after consulting from the leading doctors regarding my son's Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India; he offered me some affordable packages. I found it worth opting, and thus gave my consent for my son's Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India.

Booked our tickets and reached India for my son's Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery. From the moment we reached India, the treatment and hospitality that we received was terrific. We were picked up at the airport by an executive of Indian Medguru Group. He welcomed us and was very pleasant; who took us straight to the hospital where we met the doctor who explained us the details about Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery. We realized that we were at the right place. Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The doctor makes an "S" shaped incision in front of the earlobe down to the neck. Thereafter, he or she removes the swollen area of the parotid gland. A thin plastic drainage tube is placed in the wound to remove excess fluids, and next the doctor closes up the incision. The wound normally heals quickly, leaving behind a faint scar. Patients typically feel pain and discomfort for 24 hours after Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery, but by the end of a week, the wound is normally pain-free. The drainage tube is removed 2-3 days after the surgery. Most of the swelling also resolves by this time. Stitches or clips used during parotid gland removal surgery are usually removed 5-7 days after the procedure.

After my son's sucessful Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India doctor recommended some Dietary restrictions on salt, fluids, protein, and other substances. With these recommendations, we returned back to Bangladesh, following the post surgery restrictions and precautions instructed by the surgeon. The medical consultant- Indian Medguru Group, deserves all applauds; indeed they proved to be true professionals while expediting my Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery. They happen to be a known group in India in the business of Medical tourism, have a good network of doctors and hospitals, which cater the best of medical services. I am fortunate to get them for my son's Segmental resection of Parotid gland surgery in India. I thank them a lot, and my doctor who treated me in India, and would certainly recommend them and any medical treatment there.

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