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Vaginal hysterectomy being operated by expert surgeons in India-video

vaginal hysterectomy India,vaginal hysterectomy hospitals,vaginal hysterectomy hospitals India The Indian hospitals operating on vaginal hysterectomy boasts a high quality expertise of medical professionals, backed by the fast improving equipment and nursing facilities. India has become one of the best places for vaginal hysterectomy because of the availability of surgical options and also because of its hospitality. Every year thousands of patients around the world are coming to India for vaginal hysterectomy or to get medication on problems related to the uterus.

Vaginal hysterectomy is a procedure in which the uterus is surgically removed through the vagina. One or both ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed during the procedure as well; removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes is called bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A vaginal approach may be used if the uterus is not greatly enlarged, and if the reason for the surgery is not related to cancer.

Causes of vaginal hysterectomy –
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Fibroids
  • Pelvic organ prolapsed
  • Endometrial hyperplasia

Procedure – Vaginal hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, usually performed by a gynecologist. The uterus is a reproductive organ in the lower abdomen. During the vaginal hysterectomy the heart rate, blood pressure, blood loss, and respiration of the patient is closely observed throughout the surgery. The patients at first are given general or spinal anesthesia plus sedation so that they feel no pain.

During vaginal hysterectomy, several small incisions (cuts) are made in the abdominal wall through which slender metal tubes known as trocars are inserted to provide passage for a laparoscope and other microsurgical tools. The laparoscope acts as a tiny telescope. A camera attached to it provides a continuous image that is magnified and projected onto a television screen for viewing. During laparoscopy, other small cuts are made in the abdomen. These allow your doctor to insert other devices to help move organs into view, perform parts of the surgery, and remove the uterus through the vagina. In the course of vaginal hysterectomy, the uterus is detached from the ligaments that attach it to other structures in the pelvis using the laparoscopic tools. If the Fallopian tubes and ovaries are to be removed, they are also detached from their ligaments and blood supply. The organs and tissue are then removed through an incision made in the vagina.

vaginal hysterectomy hospitals India,vaginal hysterectomy surgeons,vaginal hysterectomy surgeons India After surgery, patients are transferred to the recovery room (also known as the post-anesthesia care unit) so that they can be monitored while waking up. Most patients will then be transferred to a hospital room and will stay one to two days.

Recovery post surgery –
  • Soon after a vaginal hysterectomy, essential fluids and food are administered to the patient. The nutrition of the patient is normally administered by intravenous means.
  • Pain relievers are given as required, mostly by intravenous, intramuscular or by pills, depending on the severity of the pain.
  • Patients are encouraged to try and as far as possible, to resume everyday activities, but slowly and steadily.
  • The patient is not allowed to lift heavy weights or do any kind of strenuous exercise.
  • There should be no stress on the back and pelvic region, if the patient is recovering from a vaginal hysterectomy.
  • The woman recovering from a vaginal hysterectomy must be alert for any signs of complications resulting from the procedure. Excessive nausea, fatigue, weakness, pain in abdominal, back or pelvic region and excessive bleeding from the vagina should be immediately reported to the physician.

vaginal hysterectomy hospitals,vaginal hysterectomy hospitals India,vaginal hysterectomy surgeonsRisks associated with surgery –

  • Hemorrhage
  • Infection
  • Constipation
  • Urinary retention
  • Blood clots

India boasts some of the best gynecologist clinics and treatment centers for vaginal hysterectomy around the world. The overall success rate of vaginal hysterectomy in India varies from 75-92% which is higher than any other clinics across the globe. The complications arising after the treatment given by Indian hospitals is rare and minimal by the current technique that is being used by these hospitals. The hospitals where vaginal hysterectomy in India is available are thus a part of an integrated world-class healthcare facility.

To get free no obligation Quote for vaginal hysterectomy in India click here

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India & International – +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
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